On 01/07/2015 12:10 PM, Dmitry Volosnykh wrote:
> were could we read the details of the discussion?

On the whiteboard in our office ;)
In summary, it involves allowing a function as the value of 
qbs.installDir (with a suitable default definition that does what one 
typically wants).


> On Wed, Jan 7, 2015 at 1:24 PM, Christian Kandeler
> <christian.kande...@theqtcompany.com
> <mailto:christian.kande...@theqtcompany.com>> wrote:
>     On 01/07/2015 11:04 AM, Stéphane Fabry wrote:
>     > I'd like to install some files and directories that form a directory 
> tree.
>     >
>     > Example:
>     >
>     > Group {
>     >
>     >          name:  "IMAGERs"
>     >          prefix:  "IMAGERs/**/"
>     >          files:  "*"
>     >          qbs.install:  true
>     >          qbs.installDir:  project.calibInstall  +  "/IMAGERs"
>     > }
>     > The imager directory has two subdirectories that contains files, after
>     > the install all files are mixed in IMAGER's and subdirectories are not
>     > created.
>     Yes, this is a known problem that comes up regularly.
>     > The only solution I have now is to make a group for each leaf 
> subdirectory.
>     That is one possible workaround. The other one is to simply set the
>     "files" property to the root of the directory tree you want to install.
>     In your case:
>     Group {
>           name:  "IMAGERs"
>           files:  "IMAGERs"
>           qbs.install:  true
>           qbs.installDir:  project.calibInstall
>     }
>     This has the drawback that now qbs does not know the files in this
>     directory, so they won't show up in your project tree in Qt Creator. And
>     of course, if they are not purely run-time resources, but actual
>     sources, this approach won't work.
>     > Do you have a solution ?
>     We have discussed some promising ideas and I'm confident we will have
>     something ready for 1.4.
>     Christian
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