Hi Joerg,

Thanks a lot for this work. We will test it as soon as possible dans give you a feedback on it.




Le 19/02/2015 12:52, Joerg Bornemann a écrit :
On 13-Feb-15 15:01, olivier musse wrote:

Thanks, it seems you know Qt Quick Compiler better than I  ;o)
So when do you think the magic part can be added to QBS ?

I've added an example to QBS-749 that demonstrates how to use the qmlcompiler with qbs 1.3. The magic is done in CompiledQmlApp.qbs. The actual app project looks like this

import qbs

CompiledQmlApp {
    name: "MyApp"
    files: ["main.cpp"]
    qmlResourceFiles: ["qml.qrc"]

Build the project with qbs -f myapp.qbs and make sure that your Qt build has the QML compiler installed.



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