I started a WIP for this a while backā€¦ should look into it again.


> On Mar 25, 2015, at 6:13 AM, Joerg Bornemann 
> <joerg.bornem...@theqtcompany.com> wrote:
> On 25-Mar-15 12:47, Benjamin TERRIER wrote:
>> I am looking for an equivalent to QMAKE_SUBSTITUTES in qbs.
> There's no such feature built into qbs.
> For Qt Creator there's a qbs module that converts foo.plugin.json.in 
> files to foo.plugin.json and replaces a fixed set of variables.
> You can find the code in Qt Creator's repository in 
> qbs/modules/pluginjson/pluginjson.qbs
> BR,
> Joerg
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