On Mon, 20 May 2019 09:01:02 +0200
Richard Weickelt <rich...@weickelt.de> wrote:

> > Oh yeah, it has been an unsatisfying surprise that default installation
> > prefix changed from empty string to "usr/local/" on Linux. All builds
> > are broken, all scripts working on the results are broken. Not
> > hardcoding is not an option when it comes to CI integration etc.
> > 
> > Next time I will be happy if such a change is announced in capital
> > letters.
> This was also an unpleasant surprise for me. Note that
> https://doc.qt.io/qbs/qml-qbsmodules-qbs.html#installPrefix-prop does not
> reflect this change.

That's an oversight.

> Thus, instead of going over the docs, I'd rather like
> to set installPrefix back to undefined on all platforms for Qbs 1.13.1.
> Anything that speaks against that?

I think it is sensible to have proper default values. It also helps making the 
install prefix concept more visible, so users won't so easily make the mistake 
of putting e.g. /usr/local into the install dir.

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