On Wed, 28 Aug 2019 12:56:56 +0200
Raphael Cotty <raphael.co...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I've created a module:
> Module {
>     FileTagger {
>         patterns: "*.wsdl"
>         fileTags: ["wsdl"]
>     }
>     Depends { name: "kdsoap" }
>     Rule {
>         multiplex: false
>         inputs: ["wsdl"]
>         Artifact {
>             filePath: input.baseName + ".cpp";
>             fileTags: "cpp"
>         }
>         Artifact {
>             filePath: input.baseName + ".h";
>             fileTags: "hpp"
>         }
>         prepare: {
>             var file = input.filePath;
>             var cmd = new Command("kdwsdl2cpp", ["-both", input.baseName,
> file]);
>             cmd.description = input.fileName + "->" + outputs.cpp[0];
>             cmd.highlight = "kdwsdl2cpp codegen";
>             cmd.workingDirectory = product.buildDirectory;
>             return cmd;
>         }
>     }
> }
> My project file:
> Project {
>     minimumQbsVersion: "1.5"
>     qbsSearchPaths: "qbs"
>     CppApplication {
>         name: "Test"
>         cpp.includePaths: sourceDirectory
>         files: [
>             "main.cpp",
>             "wsdl/WsAnnuaire.wsdl"
>         ]
>         Depends { name: "Qt"; submodules: ["core", "xml"] }
>         Depends { name: "wsdl" }
>     }
> }
> So my module generates the cpp/h files according to the input using the
> baseName. Perfect.
> I've no found a simple way to export the output directory of the module. I
> guess I have to create a property in the module and assign to it the output
> directory.
> But the outputs variable is only available in the Rule:
> Rule {
>     property path outputPath: FileInfo.path( outputs.cpp[0].filePath )
>     ...
> }
> Or should the module depends on cpp and export the path?

    cpp.includePaths: product.buildDirectory
at the Module level.

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