Hi Yury!

> I want to specify in the qbs project that there are several predefined 
> command line arguments which will be visible as separate runnables in 
> QtCreator.

The "several predefined command line arguments" parts should be possible by 
writing a Product with a corresponding Rule.

Something like this (UNTESTED!):

        Product {
                name: "my-command"
                type: [ "command" ]
                builtByDefault: false

                Rule {
                        multiplex: true
                        alwaysRun: true
                        inputs: []

                        Artifact {
                                filePath: "dummy"
                                fileTags: [ "command" ]

                        prepare: {
                                let cmd = new Command();
                                cmd.description = "Running my-command";
                                cmd.program = "path/to/my-command";
                                cmd.arguments = [ "--arg1", "--arg2" ];
                                return cmd;

Then, *building* the product "my-command" will run the command.
Maybe you need to tune the Rule's properties to have it work as expected (as 
written above: this is untested).
See also https://doc.qt.io/qbs/qml-qbslanguageitems-rule.html and 
https://doc.qt.io/qbs/commands.html for more info.

However, this won't show up as a runnable in QtCreator because the execution of 
the command is happening as a build step and there is no artifact to be 
executed after building.
But "my-command" would show up in QtCreator's project view and there it could 
be triggered by right-click -> Build.
Maybe that's good enough for you?


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