1.17.1 as in the 1.17 branch is shipped with latest Qt Creator 4.13.x, but we 
haven't made the tag yet nor published any packages. 1.18.0 is around the 
corner and will be released in about 2 weeks.

-----Original Message-----
From: Maximilian Hrabowski <hrabow...@clausmark.com>
To: "Иван Комиссаров" <abba...@gmail.com>
Cc: "qbs@qt-project.org" <qbs@qt-project.org>
Sent: Fri, 04 Dec 2020 15:01
Subject: Re: [Qbs] Qt6 support

I require core5compat.

I’ve I installed qbs using home-brew, but my version was 1.16.0 - just upgrade 
to 1.17.0. So the requirement for  core5compat is actually 1.17.1, right?

Best regards,
Maximilian Hrabowski

On 4. Dec 2020, at 14:07, Иван Комиссаров 
<abba...@gmail.com<mailto:abba...@gmail.com>> wrote:

Did you install this module using the MaintenanceTool? It doesn’t get installed 
by default


4 дек. 2020 г., в 10:44, Maximilian Hrabowski 
<hrabow...@clausmark.com<mailto:hrabow...@clausmark.com>> написал(а):

Hi all,

Is Qt6 already supported by qbs?If so which version is required? Doing a naive 
“Depends { name: “Qt.core5compat” } with abs 1.17 did not work ;)

Best regards,
Maximilian Hrabowski

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