Hello, developers.

I have a small product "PackageBuild" in my projects, I use it to generate the package_build_info file. The product code is shown below:

Product {
    name: "PackageBuild"

    Depends { name: "cpp" }
    Depends { name: "lib.sodium" }

    lib.sodium.version:   project.sodiumVersion
    lib.sodium.useSystem: project.useSystemSodium

    Probe {
        id: productProbe
        property string projectBuildDirectory: project.buildDirectory
      //property string cppstdlibPath: cppstdlib.path

        property var libs: [

        configure: {
            var file = new TextFile(projectBuildDirectory + "/package_build_info", TextFile.WriteOnly);
            try {
                for (var n in libs) {
                    var lib = libs[n];
                    for (var i in lib.dynamicLibraries) {
                        file.writeLine(lib.libraryPath + ("/lib{0}.so*").format(lib.dynamicLibraries[i]));

                //if (!cppstdlibPath.startsWith("/usr/lib", 0)) {
                //    file.writeLine(cppstdlibPath + "/" + "libstdc++.so*");
                //    file.writeLine(cppstdlibPath + "/" + "libgcc_s.so*");
            finally {

When I open the project in QtC 7 the file package_build_info is successfully created, but after the build process starts the file package_build_info is deleted. How to make sure that file package_build_info is not deleted?

BR, Pavel Karelin
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