I think, both RPATH and RUNPATH should work.

Do I understand correctly that you use self-built QtC and you built it using 

In that case, that might be a bug in how QtC project overrides Qbs rpaths.


> 26 окт. 2022 г., в 12:15, Карелин Павел <hka...@yandex.ru> написал(а):
> Christian, does it make sense to add construct 
> cpp.driverLinkerFlags: [ 
>         "-Wl,--disable-new-dtags", 
> ] 
> to the project code QBS?
> Or is this problem on Ubuntu only I have?
> On the other hand, the people on the internet writes that RUNPATH is a more 
> correct approach (for example here: 
> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51952784/embed-rpath-instead-of-runpath-in-when-building-shared-objects-on-ubuntu-18-04
> <https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51952784/embed-rpath-instead-of-runpath-in-when-building-shared-objects-on-ubuntu-18-04>)
> What do you think about this?
> --
> Pavel
> P.S. 
> When QBS is builded as an independent project (outside QtC), this case 
> everything works even with RUNPATH. Although, perhaps there is some "magic" 
> with paths. In my system directly states the path to standalone-QBS project 
> (/etc/profile.d/qbs.sh => export PATH=$PATH:/opt/qbs/bin)

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