On 2/10/23 00:32, John Snow wrote:
It's possible to teach lcitool to use pip instead to install
docutils, sphinx and sphinx-rtd-theme

I will say that once upon a time, Peter Maydell expressed a
preference to use the version(s) of sphinx managed by the distro
instead of swallowing it into the python-managed parts of the
codebase. It seemed like a reasonable request at the time.

Note that this is not about using pip in a venv set up by e.g. configure; simply, lcitool falls back to pip if a package is not available as an RPM/DEB/APK, so it's a matter of telling it that the python3.8 runtime in CentOS 8 does not have either docutils or sphinx.

In other words, since lcitool takes care of building the container dockerfile, this "pip install" would be done in the container phase and configure in general cannot care less whether sphinx comes from an RPM or a "pip install".


We can
revisit it once I get the patches in to add a venv at configure time.
(Which I was intending to visit next.)

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