Am 09.12.2016 um 14:47 hat Alberto Garcia geschrieben:
> Hi all,
> as we all know, one of the main things that can make the qcow2 format
> slow is the need to load entries from the L2 table in order to map a
> guest offset (on the virtual disk) to a host offset (on the qcow2
> image).
> We have an L2 cache to deal with this, and as long as the cache is big
> enough then the peformance is comparable to that of a raw image.
> For large qcow2 images the amount of RAM we need in order to cache all
> L2 tables can be big (128MB per TB of disk image if we're using the
> default cluster size of 64KB). In order to solve this problem we have
> a setting that allows the user to clean unused cache entries after a
> certain interval of time. This works fine most of the time, although
> we can still have peaks of RAM usage if there's a lot of I/O going on
> in one or more VMs.
> In some scenarios, however, there's a different alternative: if the
> qcow2 image is stored in a slow backend (eg. HDD), we could save
> memory by putting the L2 cache in a faster one (SSD) instead of in
> RAM.
> I have been making some tests with exactly that scenario and the
> results look good: storing the cache in disk gives roughly the same
> performance as storing it in memory.
> |---------------------+------------+------+------------+--------|
> |                     | Random 4k reads   | Sequential 4k reads |
> |                     | Throughput | IOPS | Throughput |  IOPS  |
> |---------------------+------------+------+------------+--------|
> | Cache in memory/SSD | 406 KB/s   |   99 | 84 MB/s    |  21000 |
> | Default cache (1MB) | 200 KB/s   |   60 | 83 MB/s    |  21000 |
> | No cache            | 200 KB/s   |   49 | 56 MB/s    |  14000 |
> |---------------------+------------+------+------------+--------|
> I'm including the patch that I used to get these results. This is the
> simplest approach that I could think of.
> Opinions, questions?

I suppose you used the fact that the cache is now on disk to increase
the cache size so that it covers the whole image?

If so, are you sure that you aren't just testing that accessing memory
in the kernel page cache is just as fast as accessing memory in qemu's
own cache? It seems this would just bypass the cache size limit given to
qemu by instead leaving things cached in the kernel where the limit
doesn't apply.


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