On Thu, Oct 19, 2017 at 12:23:39PM +0200, Paolo Bonzini wrote:
> On 18/10/2017 19:27, Jeff Cody wrote:
> > On Wed, Oct 18, 2017 at 06:39:26PM +0200, Paolo Bonzini wrote:
> >> On 18/10/2017 18:19, Jeff Cody wrote:
> >>>>> Here is what we need from common.rc for this series:
> >>>>>
> >>>>> _rm_test_img
> >>>>> _cleanup_nbd
> >>>>> _cleanup_vxhs
> >>>>> _cleanup_rbd
> >>>>> _cleanup_sheepdog
> >>>>> _cleanup_protocols
> >>>>> _cleanup_test_img
> >>>>>
> >>>>> They all have a common theme (cleanup), so I could move them all to a
> >>>>> common.cleanup (naming suggestion?) file (which would need to be 
> >>>>> included by
> >>>>> common.rc, as well).
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Would this be a strong enough delineation to overcome your concerns?
> >>>>
> >>>> A great start.  Which of these are actually needed by the tests (and
> >>>> hence by common.rc) and why?
> >>>
> >>>  Some tests are written such that they do intermediate cleanups between
> >>>  multiple internal sub-tests for varying reasons, and so use those cleanup
> >>>  functions as part of their testing.  The function _cleanup_test_img
> >>>  effectively calls all the other functions I listed, so they are really 
> >>> all
> >>>  required for the tests, if they choose to call _cleanup_test_img.
> >>>
> >>> And for 'check' to tear everything down to a clean state, it also needs to
> >>> use the cleanup functions for everything that is not just a 
> >>> file/directory.
> >>
> >> Do these tests really need the "cleanup protocols" part, because the few
> >> that have more than one _cleanup_test_img (059, 066, 070, 084, 146, 171)
> >> are either file-only or non-raw, so they should be able to just rebuild
> >> the format on top of the same image.
> >>
> > 
> > Maybe not, but that could just be the nature of what bugs we are testing for
> > at this time.  These specific tests may not need to, but it is not
> > inconceivable to have a test that involves bringing up and tearing down
> > a protocol based server some arbitrary number times, to test that specific
> > behavior.
> Right, but such a test should probably be protocol-specific; it can just
> use "file" and invoke QEMU_NBD on its own for example, similar to what
> tests 058 and 162 already do.
> For example, it's very different if you delete and recreate a raw image
> _and_ rerun qemu-nbd, or only do the latter.
> >> Maybe that's where the separation lies---protocol vs. format, where
> >> cleaning up the "file" protocol need not do anything because it's done
> >> when removing the test directory.  If that's the case, it'd be nice
> >> because it might also make it much easier to tackle the issue with
> >> parallel tests.
> > 
> > On final exit, yes, a test needs not remember to remove all of its mouse
> > droppings.  But as far as not needing to remove images in intermediate
> > stages of a given test, I think that assumes too much. For instance,
> > qemu-img _should_ be able to rebuild a format on top of the same image.  But
> > maybe a test wants to see if that specific functionality actually works as
> > intended, and compares removing and creating an image to rebuilding on top
> > of an image, etc.
> Right, but let's draw a line, does such a test need to support multiple
> protocols?  For example:

This is a good question.  But, I'm not sure that this is a question this
series is trying to answer; one goal of this series is to keep the existing
APIs currently in use by tests unchanged.

> - 083 and 143 for example are very much NBD-specific; 083 uses
> "_supported_proto nbd", while 143 probably should be using either "file"
> or "nbd".
> - only 058 and 162 are running qemu-nbd manually, and they actually
> start a _new_ NBD protocol server
> In addition not many tests do not use _make_test_img, as seen with "git
> grep -LE '_make_test_img|bin/env python' [0-9][0-9][0-9]".  They are:
> - 064, 070 and 135 which use the sample image and thus _should_ be using
> file
> - 049, 082, 111 which is creating images with "qemu-img create"; 049 and
> 111 might actually use nfs too.  150 is using "qemu-img convert", which
> is also creation more or less
> - 083 is NBD-specific because it uses the fault injector
> - 113 probably should be more generic than just NBD
> - 128 is pretty unique in that it creates a Linux device mapper device (!)
> - 143 probably should be using either "file" or "nbd".
> - 162 is also a bit unique in that it tests null-co:// and disregards
> So it does seem that handling the protocol in "check" is a good
> approximation.
> And by the way, the only existing uses of "_supported_proto" are
>     _supported_proto file
>     _supported_proto file nfs
>     _supported_proto file sheepdog rbd nfs
>     _supported_proto generic
>     _supported_proto nbd
>     _supported_proto nfs
> so another thing to do might be to change _supported_proto to a
> feature-based test:
> - file/sheepdog/rbd/nfs are those that support resizing (aka "truncate")
> - file/nfs are generally those that support "qemu-img create" (plus
> others that should be "generic" actually, including 090, 103, 107); 150
> is "file" because it needs "map" in addition to "create".
> - nfs is used in test 173 to test protocol-based images with relative
> filename backing strings; it probably can run on file too, anyway that's
> a third important discriminating feature
> - nbd is used in a bunch of random tests that can be made more generic
> (094, 113, 119, 123).  Only 083 is NBD-specific because it uses the NBD
> fault injector, and it actually doesn't use the protocol that is created
> by the caller.
> Since you are doing a lot of whole-directory moves, "_supported" tags
> could become a separate configuration file, e.g.
> ----
> # all generic, no need to include it
> #[001]
> [025]
> fmt=raw qcow2 qed
> # specify feature
> proto=+resize
> [143]
> fmt=generic
> proto=nbd
> start_protocol=no
> [150]
> fmt=raw qcow2
> proto=+create +map
> ----
> The few tests using start_protocol=no would have to ensure parallel-safe
> operation themselves.  This would also enable a more consistent handling
> across shell and Python tests.
> So, this is why I was wondering whether patches 3/4 kinda paint
> ourselves in the corner.

I think this conflates a bit how we'd like to restructure tests in a future
harness rewrite, and what this series does.  I'm advocating that this series
keep the same test APIs intact, and remove the need for tests to perform
exit cleanup.

(Patch 10 is just some icing, since patches 1-9 make it fairly easy to

If we look at what patches 3 & 4 do:

Patch 3:

    - Code movement within common.rc, but doesn't change the API.  Tests
      still just call _cleanup_test_img() as needed.

    - It does break apart _cleanup_test_img(), thereby technically creating
      some new APIs available to future tests:
         * _cleanup_nbd()
         * _cleanup_vxhs()
         * _cleanup_rbd()
         * _cleanup_sheepdog()
         * _cleanup_protocols()

      Maybe these new APIs are a sticking point?  If so, perhaps we can mark
      them (via comments) as internal-only?

    - ./check does an extra protocol cleanup check after a test is run, via
      the new _cleanup_protocols().

    As far as existing tests go, no changes yet.

Patch 4:

    - Removes test exit cleanup from tests

    Now this does change test behavior, as it relies on the harness for file
    and protocol cleanup at test exit.

    This will indeed paint us in a corner if we want a new check.py to not
    perform the test exit cleanup, and leave test cleanup (either partially
    or fully) as the responsibility for the tests. [1]

> So, looking at the patches:
> - 1, 2, 7, 8, 9 are definitely good ideas, and should be done _before_
> an eventual/hypothetical Python rewrite of "check".

Alas, 9 requires 4 (which in turn requires 3).  Without 4, there is nothing
to keep, as the tests try to remove it all.

> - for 5, 6 I think we should be using shell job control instead in
> "check" ('set -m')
>   #! /bin/sh
>   set -m
>   # Start a job which leaves two processes behind.  By starting it
>   # in the background, we can get the leader process's pid in $!
>   # That pid is also the process group id of the whole job.
>   sh -c 'echo subshell pid is $$; sleep 10 | sleep 15 &' &
>   pgrp=$!
>   wait
>   echo '$! is '$pgrp', killing all processes in that group:'
>   pgrep -g $pgrp -a
>   kill -TERM -$pgrp
>   sleep 1
>   echo Leftover processes have been killed:
>   ps axo pid,ppid,pgrp,stat,tty,comm|grep sleep

Existing tests right now use _cleanup_qemu in their tests (outside of final
cleanup): 095 109 117 130, etc.  So we can do process control differently,
but _cleanup_qemu still needs to exist and also clean up other files (such
as fifos, close fds, etc..), and provide the same functionality (optional
wait-for-completion, etc.), if we are keeping the usage by tests the same.

> (Python can do the same by setting preexec_fn=os.setpgrp when calling
> Subprocess.popen; then you can kill the entire group with os.killpg)

Yeah - a new check rewrite in a language like python would make process
control significantly easier.

> - 10 depends on everything before. SAD! ;)
> It's a pity to lose the cleanup in patch 4, but I think it's better in
> the long term if we have a clear idea of the tests' tasks vs. the harness's.

This is the crux of it all, I suppose.

[1] So on that point: do you think individual tests should be responsible
for cleaning up files and processes at test exit?  If that answer is a 'yes'
to either files or processes, then 3, 4, 6 (and maybe 9) are incompatible
with a future redesign with that assumption.  FWIW, my thought is that the
answer should be "the harness shall perform both file and process cleanup on
test exit".


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