Am 30.01.2018 um 07:25 hat Fam Zheng geschrieben:
> This reverts commit 76bf133c4 which updated the reference output, and
> fixed the reference image, because the code path we want to exercise is
> actually the invalid image size.
> The descriptor block in the image, which includes the CID to verify, has been
> invalid since the reference image was added. Since commit 9877860e7bd we 
> report
> this error earlier than the "file too large", so 059.out mismatches.
> The binary change is generated along the operations of:
>   $ bunzip2 afl9.vmdk.bz2
>   $ qemu-img create -f vmdk fix.vmdk 1G
>   $ dd if=afl9.vmdk.bz2 of=fix.vmdk bs=512 count=1 conv=notrunc
>   $ mv fix.vmdk afl9.vmdk
>   $ bzip2 afl9.vmdk
> Signed-off-by: Fam Zheng <>

Thanks, applied to the block branch.


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