> On Aug 14, 2018, at 4:40 AM, Kevin Wolf <kw...@redhat.com> wrote:
> Am 13.08.2018 um 20:19 hat Eric Blake geschrieben:
>> On 08/13/2018 11:56 AM, Max Reitz wrote:
>>> Ah, hm, so much for that.  Hm...  I don't quite know what to think of
>>> this.  It does indeed improve legibility.  But the question is whether
>>> --help should be as condensed as possible, and if the user finds it hard
>>> to read, whether they should not just open the man page...
>>> Then again, our --help text already has 102 lines.
>>> Let me just think about it for a bit longer. :-)
>>> (And see whether others have opinions.)
>> And I've already expressed my opinion that it is already rather long, where
>> making it longer is not necessarily making it smarter.
> I think if we want to improve the help text, we should split it up.
> $ qemu-img --help
> qemu-img version 2.12.94 (v3.0.0-rc4-5-g4fe9c3e13d-dirty)
> Copyright (c) 2003-2017 Fabrice Bellard and the QEMU Project developers
> usage: qemu-img [standard options] command [command options]
> QEMU disk image utility
>    '-h', '--help'       display this help and exit
>    '-V', '--version'    output version information and exit
>    '-T', '--trace'      [[enable=]<pattern>][,events=<file>][,file=<file>]
>                         specify tracing options
> Commands:
>    amend               Change options of an existing disk image
>    bench               Run benchmarks on a given disk image
>    check               Check the disk image for consistency or repair it
>    commit              Merge the disk image into its backing file
>    ...
> Run 'qemu-img <command> --help' for details.
> See <https://qemu.org/contribute/report-a-bug> for how to report bugs.
> More information on the QEMU project at <https://qemu.org>.
> $ qemu-img check --help
> usage: qemu-img check [--object objectdef] [--image-opts] [-q] [-f fmt] 
> [--output=ofmt] [-r [leaks | all]] [-T src_cache] [-U] filename
> Command parameters:
>  -f        'fmt' is the disk image format. It is guessed automatically
>            in most cases.
>  -q        use Quiet mode - do not print any output (except errors).
>  -r        tries to repair any inconsistencies that are found during the
>            check. '-r leaks' repairs only cluster leaks, whereas '-r
>            all' fixes all kinds of errors, with a higher risk of
>            choosing the wrong fix or hiding corruption that has already
>            occurred.
>  -T        'src_cache' is the cache mode used to read input disk images,
>            the valid options are the same as for the 'cache' option.
>  --object  'objectdef' is a QEMU user creatable object definition. See
>            the qemu(1) manual page for a description of the object
>            properties. The most common object type is a 'secret', which
>            is used to supply passwords and/or encryption keys.
>  --output  'ofmt' is 'human' for human-readable output (default) or
>            'json' for JSON output.
> Examples:
>    ...
> Kevin

I am by no means an expert at qemu-img. But I did try my best to create what I 
think should be the new output for qemu-img <command> --help. This is just the 
text I plan on using in a future patch. It is easier to read right now than it 
will be in patch form, so please let me know if there are any errors in this 
documentation. Thank you.


usage: qemu-img amend [--object objectdef] [--image-opts] [-p] [-q] [-f fmt]
[-t cache] -o options filename

Command parameters:
 -f             'fmt' is the disk image format. It is guessed automatically
                in most cases.

--image-opts    Treat filename as a set of image options, instead of a plain

 -o             Used with a comma separated list of format specific options in a
                name=value format. Use "-o ?" for an overview of the options
                supported by the used format

--object        'objectdef' is a QEMU user creatable object definition. See the
                qemu(1) manual page for a description of the object properties.
                The most common object type is a 'secret', which is used to
                supply passwords and/or encryption keys.

 -p             Display progress bar. If the -p option is not used for a command
                that supports it, the progress is reported when the process
                receives a "SIGUSR1" signal.

 -q             Quiet mode - do not print any output (except errors). There's no
                progress bar in case both -q and -p options are used.

 -t             Specifies the cache mode that should be used with the
                destination file.

    qemu-img amend -o compat=0.10 -f qcow2 image.qcow2


usage: qemu-img bench [-c count] [-d depth] [-f fmt]
[--flush-interval=flush_interval] [-n] [--no-drain] [-o offset]
[--pattern=pattern] [-q] [-s buffer_size] [-S step_size] [-t cache] [-w] [-U]

Command parameters:
 -c                  Number of I/O requests to perform.

 -d                  Number of I/O requests done in parallel.

 -f                  fmt' is the disk image format. It is guessed automatically
                     in most cases.

 --flush-interval    How often a flush should take place.

 -n                  Use native AIO backend if possible.

 --no-drain          Issue a flush without draining the request queue first.

 -o                  The starting position.

 --pattern           The byte pattern used to in write tests.

 -q                  Quiet mode - do not print any output (except errors).
                     There's no progress bar in case both -q and -p options are

 -s                  buffer_size in bytes.

 -S                  Increases current position by step_size.

 -t                  Specifies the cache mode that should be used with the
                     destination file.

 -w                  Perform write test.

 -U                  Open the image in shared mode, allowing other QEMU
                     processes to open it in write mode. This option is only
                     allowed when opening images in read-only mode.

    qemu-img bench -c 20000 -d 50000 -f qcow2 image.qcow2


usage: qemu-img check [--object objectdef] [--image-opts] [-q] [-f fmt]
[--output=ofmt] [-r [leaks | all]] [-T src_cache] [-U] filename

Command parameters:
 -f         'fmt' is the disk image format. It is guessed automatically in most

 -q         Use Quiet mode - do not print any output (except errors).

 -r         Tries to repair any inconsistencies that are found during the check.
            '-r leaks' repairs only cluster leaks, whereas '-r all' fixes all
            kinds of errors, with a higher risk of choosing the wrong fix or
            hiding corruption that has already occurred.

 -T         'src_cache' is the cache mode used to read input disk images, the
            valid options are the same as for the 'cache' option.

 --object   'objectdef' is a QEMU user creatable object definition. See the
            qemu(1) manual page for a description of the object properties. The
            most common object type is a 'secret', which is used to supply
            passwords and/or encryption keys.

 --output   'ofmt' is 'human' for human-readable output (default) or 'json' for
            JSON output.

    qemu-img check image.qcow2


usage: qemu-img commit [--object objectdef] [--image-opts] [-q] [-f fmt]
[-t cache] [-b base] [-d] [-p] filename

Command parameters:
 -b            The base image or backing file.

 -d            Skip emptying filename.

 -f            'fmt' is the disk image format. It is guessed automatically
               in most cases.

 --image-opts  Treat filename as a set of image options, instead of a plain

 --object      'objectdef' is a QEMU user creatable object definition. See the
               qemu(1) manual page for a description of the object properties.
               The most common object type is a 'secret', which is used to
               supply passwords and/or encryption keys.

 -p            Display progress bar. If the -p option is not used for a command
               that supports it, the progress is reported when the process
               receives a "SIGUSR1" signal.

 -q            Quiet mode - do not print any output (except errors). There's no
               progress bar in case both -q and -p options are used.

 -t            Specifies the cache mode that should be used with the
               destination file.

    qemu-img commit image.qcow2


usage: qemu-img compare [--object objectdef] [--image-opts] [-f fmt] [-F fmt]
[-T src_cache] [-p] [-q] [-s] [-U] filename1 filename2

Command parameters:
 -f                 First image format.

 -F                 Second image format.

 --image-opts       Treat filename as a set of image options, instead of a plain

 -T                 Specifies the cache mode that should be used with the source

 --object           'objectdef' is a QEMU user creatable object definition. See
                    the qemu(1) manual page for a description of the object
                    properties. The most common object type is a 'secret', which
                    is used to supply passwords and/or encryption keys.

 -p                 Display progress bar. If the -p option is not used for a
                    command that supports it, the progress is reported when the
                    process receives a "SIGUSR1" signal.

 -q                 Quiet mode - do not print any output (except errors).
                    There's no progress bar in case both -q and -p options are

 -s                 Enable strict mode. Comparisons differ when image sizes
                    differ or if a sector is allocated in one image and not
                    allocated in the other image.

 -U                 Open the image in shared mode, allowing other QEMU
                    processes to open it in write mode. This option is only
                    allowed when opening images in read-only mode.

    qemu-img compare image1.qcow image2.qcow2


usage: qemu-img convert [--object objectdef] [--image-opts]
[--target-image-opts] [-U] [-c] [-p] [-q] [-n] [-f fmt] [-t cache]
[-T src_cache] [-O output_fmt] [-B backing_file] [-o options]
[-s snapshot_id_or_name] [-l snapshot_param] [-S sparse_size]
[-m num_coroutines] [-W] filename [filename2 [...]] output_filename

Command parameters:
 -B                      Force the output image to be created as a copy on write
                         image of the specified base image.

 -c                      Compress the output image file.

 -f                      'fmt' is the disk image format. It is guessed
                         automatically in most cases.

 --image-opts            Indicates that the source filename parameter is to be
                         interpreted as a full option string, not a plain

 -l                      Specifies a snapshot parameter.

 -m                      Number of parallel coroutines for the convert process

 -n                      Skip the creation of the target volume.

 -O                      Format of the output file.

 -o                      Allows for specifying options like virtual disk size.

 --object                'objectdef' is a QEMU user creatable object definition.
                         See the qemu(1) manual page for a description of the
                         object properties. The most common object type is a
                         'secret', which is used to supply passwords and/or
                         encryption keys.

 -p                      Display progress bar. If the -p option is not used for
                         a command that supports it, the progress is reported
                         when the process receives a "SIGUSR1" signal.

 -q                      Quiet mode - do not print any output (except errors).
                         There's no progress bar in case both -q and -p options
                         are used.

 -S                      The consecutive number of bytes (defaults to 4k) that
                         must contain only zeros for qemu-img to create a sparse
                         image during conversion.

 -s                      The name or ID of the snapshot to use.

 -T                      Specifies the cache mode that should be used with the
                         source file.

 -t                      Specifies the cache mode that should be used with the
                         destination file.

--target-image-opts      Indicates whether the source filename includes options.

 -U                      Open the image in shared mode, allowing other QEMU
                         processes to open it in write mode. This option is only
                         allowed when opening images in read-only mode.

 -W                      Allow out-of-order writes to the destination. This
                         option improves performance, but is only recommended
                         for preallocated devices like host devices or other raw
                         block devices.

    qemu-img convert -f raw -O qcow2 image.img image.qcow2


usage: qemu-img create [--object objectdef] [-q] [-f fmt] [-b backing_file]
[-F backing_fmt] [-u] [-o options] filename [size]

Command parameters:
 -b             The backing file used to base the output file on.

 -f             The format of the output file.

 -F             The format of the backing file.

 -u             Create the image file even if the backing file cannot be opened.

 -o             Allows for specifying options like virtual disk size.

--object        'objectdef' is a QEMU user creatable object definition.
                See the qemu(1) manual page for a description of the
                object properties. The most common object type is a
                'secret', which is used to supply passwords and/or
                encryption keys.

    qemu-img create -f qcow2 image.qcow2 10G


usage: qemu-img dd [-f fmt] [-O output_fmt] [bs=block_size] [count=blocks]
[skip=blocks] if=input of=output

Command parameters:
 bs                 Size of the blocks used in reading and writing (512 bytes is
                    the default).

 count              The limit to how many blocks to read.

 -f                 Format of the input file.

 if                 The input file.

 -O                 Format of the output file.

 of                 The output file.

 skip               Number of blocks to skip.

    qemu-img dd if=/dev/cdrom -O raw of=cd.iso


usage: qemu-img info [-f fmt] [--output=ofmt] [--backing-chain] filename

Command parameters:
 --backing-chain            Recursively enumerate thru each disk image in the
                            chain for information.

 -f                         The format of image file specified by filename.

--output                    The output format of this command. Can be "human" or

    qemu-img info image.qcow2


usage: qemu-img map [-f fmt] [--output=ofmt] filename

Command parameters:
 -f                 The format of the image file specified by filename.

--output            The output format of this command. Can be "human" or "json".

    qemu-img map image.qcow2


usage: qemu-img measure [--output=ofmt] [-O output_fmt] [-o options] [--size N ]
[--object objectdef] [--image-opts] [-f fmt] [-l snapshot_param]

Command parameters:
 -f                 'fmt' is the disk image format. It is guessed
                    automatically in most cases.

 --image-opts       Indicates that the source filename parameter is to be
                    interpreted as a full option string, not a plain

 -l                 Specifies a snapshot parameter.

 -O                 Format of the output file.

 -o                 Allows for specifying options.

 --object           'objectdef' is a QEMU user creatable object definition. See
                    the qemu(1) manual page for a description of the object
                    properties. The most common object type is a 'secret',
                    which is used to supply passwords and/or encryption keys.

 --output           'ofmt' is 'human' for human-readable output (default) or
                    'json' for JSON output.

 --size             If given act as if creating a new empty image file using
                    qemu-img create.

    qemu-img measure -O qcow2 --size 5G


usage: qemu-img snapshot [-l | -a snapshot | -c snapshot | -d snapshot ]

Command parameters:
 -a                 Applies the snapshot.

 -c                 Create a snapshot.

 -d                 Deletes a snapshot.

 -l                 Lists all snapshots

    qemu-img snapshot -l image.qcow2


usage: qemu-img rebase [-f fmt] [-t cache] [-T src_cache] [-p] [-u] -b
backing_file [-F backing_fmt] filename

Command parameters:
 -b         The new backing file.

 -F         The format for the new backing file.

 -f         'fmt' is the disk image format. It is guessed automatically in most

 -T         Specifies the cache mode that should be used with the source file.

 -t         Specifies the cache mode that should be used with the destination

 -p         Display progress bar. If the -p option is not used for a command
            that supports it, the progress is reported when the process
            receives a "SIGUSR1" signal.

 -u         Operate in unsafe mode.

    qemu-img rebase -b backing.img diff.qcow2


usage: qemu-img resize [--shrink] [--preallocation=prealloc] filename
[+ | -] size

Command parameters:
 --preallocation    When growing an image, specify how the additional image
                    area should be allocated on the host.

 --shrink           Informs qemu-img that the user acknowledges all loss of
                    data beyond the truncated image's end.

    qemu-img resize image.qcow2 20G

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