11.06.2019 21:02, Andrey Shinkevich wrote:
> With the '-valgrind' option, let all the QEMU processes be run under
> the Valgrind tool. The Valgrind own parameters may be set with its
> environment variable VALGRIND_OPTS, e.g.
> VALGRIND_OPTS="--leak-check=yes" ./check -qcow2 -valgrind <test#>
> or they may be listed in the Valgrind checked file ./.valgrindrc or
> ~/.valgrindrc like
> --memcheck:leak-check=no
> --memcheck:track-origins=yes
> After including the Valgrind into the QEMU processes wrappers in the
> common.rc script, the benchmark output for the tests 039 061 137 is to
> be amended.

If tests outputs changed, please describe here in short: why?

Best regards,

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