On 10/10/2019 17.24, Max Reitz wrote:
> Hi,
> Perhaps the main reason we cannot run important tests such as 041 in CI
> is that when they care Unix sockets in $TEST_DIR, the path may become
> too long to connect to them.
> To get by this problem, this series lets the check script create a new
> temporary directory (mktemp -d) and then makes the iotests use it for
> all Unix sockets.

Thanks a lot for tackling this!

I gave it a try, and most tests work fine now indeed when I run them in
a directory with a veeeery long file name.

I still get an error with 028 though:

$ ./check -qcow2 028
QEMU          --
-nodefaults -display none -machine accel=qtest
QEMU_IMG      --

QEMU_IO       --
 --cache writeback -f qcow2
QEMU_NBD      --

IMGFMT        -- qcow2 (compat=1.1)
IMGPROTO      -- file
PLATFORM      -- Linux/x86_64 thuth 4.18.0-80.11.2.el8_0.x86_64
TEST_DIR      --
SOCK_DIR      -- /tmp/tmp.YEmubpCxRH

028      fail       [09:11:52] [09:11:53]                    output
mismatch (see 028.out.bad)
--- /home/thuth/devel/qemu/tests/qemu-iotests/028.out   2019-08-16
18:00:39.258741027 +0200
2019-10-11 09:11:53.822111901 +0200
@@ -468,7 +468,8 @@


-Formatting 'TEST_DIR/t.IMGFMT.copy', fmt=IMGFMT size=4294968832
backing_file=TEST_DIR/t.IMGFMT.base backing_fmt=IMGFMT
+Timeout waiting for Formatting on handle 0
 (qemu) info block-jobs
 No active jobs
 === IO: pattern 195
Failures: 028
Failed 1 of 1 iotests

028 works fine if I start it from a directory with a short filename.

I also saw an error with "./check -raw 055" once, but it does not seem
to be reproducible:

055      fail       [09:08:28] [09:10:57]                    output
mismatch (see 055.out.bad)
--- /home/thuth/devel/qemu/tests/qemu-iotests/055.out   2019-08-16
18:00:39.262741079 +0200
2019-10-11 09:10:57.059254617 +0200
@@ -1,5 +1,35 @@
+WARNING:qemu.machine:qemu received signal 9:
-chardev socket,id=mon,path=/tmp/tmp.3mKmQDU7Ft/qemu-24878-monitor.sock
-mon chardev=mon,mode=control -display none -vga none -qtest
unix:path=/tmp/tmp.3mKmQDU7Ft/qemu-24878-qtest.sock -accel qtest
-nodefaults -display none -machine accel=qtest -drive
+ERROR: test_complete_compress_blockdev_backup
+Traceback (most recent call last):
+  File
line 122, in __get_events
+    ret = self.__json_read(only_event=True)
+  File
line 82, in __json_read
+    data = self.__sockfile.readline()
+  File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/socket.py", line 586, in readinto
+    return self._sock.recv_into(b)
+socket.timeout: timed out
+During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
+Traceback (most recent call last):
+  File "055", line 499, in test_complete_compress_blockdev_backup
+    target='drive1')
+  File "055", line 484, in do_test_compress_complete
+    self.wait_until_completed()
+  File "/home/thuth/devel/qemu/tests/qemu-iotests/iotests.py", line
751, in wait_until_completed
+    for event in self.vm.get_qmp_events(wait=wait):
+  File
"/home/thuth/devel/qemu/tests/qemu-iotests/../../python/qemu/machine.py", line
406, in get_qmp_events
+    events = self._qmp.get_events(wait=wait)
+  File
line 236, in get_events
+    self.__get_events(wait)
+  File
line 124, in __get_events
+    raise QMPTimeoutError("Timeout waiting for event")
+qemu.qmp.QMPTimeoutError: Timeout waiting for event
 Ran 30 tests

+FAILED (errors=1)


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