On Thu, Mar 11, 2021 at 12:39:16AM +0900, Akihiko Odaki wrote:
> backend_defaults property allow users to control if default block
> properties should be decided with backend information.
> If it is off, any backend information will be discarded, which is
> suitable if you plan to perform live migration to a different disk backend.
> If it is on, a block device may utilize backend information more
> aggressively.
> By default, it is auto, which uses backend information from physical
> devices and ignores one from file. It is consistent with the older
> versions, and should be aligned with the user expectation that a file
> backend is more independent of host than a physical device backend.

Can BlockLimits pdiscard_alignment and opt_transfer be used instead of
adding discard_granularity and opt_io fields to BlockSizes? They seem to
do the same thing except the QEMU block layer currently uses BlockLimits
values internally to ensure that requests are suitable for the host

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