
iotest 206 fails for me with:

$ ./check -qcow2 206
QEMU -- ".../tests/qemu-iotests/../../qemu-system-x86_64" -nodefaults -display none -accel qtest
QEMU_IMG      -- ".../tests/qemu-iotests/../../qemu-img"
QEMU_IO -- ".../tests/qemu-iotests/../../qemu-io" --cache writeback --aio threads -f qcow2
QEMU_NBD      -- ".../tests/qemu-iotests/../../qemu-nbd"
IMGFMT        -- qcow2
IMGPROTO      -- file
PLATFORM      -- Linux/x86_64 thuth.remote.csb 4.18.0-305.3.1.el8_4.x86_64
TEST_DIR      -- .../tests/qemu-iotests/scratch
SOCK_DIR      -- /tmp/tmpx4hiqpkd
SOCKET_SCM_HELPER -- .../tests/qemu-iotests/socket_scm_helper

206 fail [10:00:50] [10:00:54] 3.4s (last: 6.2s) output mismatch (see 206.out.bad)
--- 206.out
+++ 206.out.bad
@@ -99,55 +99,19 @@

{"execute": "blockdev-create", "arguments": {"job-id": "job0", "options": {"driver": "qcow2", "encrypt": {"cipher-alg": "twofish-128", "cipher-mode": "ctr", "format": "luks", "hash-alg": "sha1", "iter-time": 10, "ivgen-alg": "plain64", "ivgen-hash-alg": "md5", "key-secret": "keysec0"}, "file": {"driver": "file", "filename": "TEST_DIR/PID-t.qcow2"}, "size": 33554432}}}
 {"return": {}}
+Job failed: Unsupported cipher algorithm twofish-128 with ctr mode
 {"execute": "job-dismiss", "arguments": {"id": "job0"}}
 {"return": {}}

 image: TEST_IMG
 file format: IMGFMT
 virtual size: 32 MiB (33554432 bytes)
-encrypted: yes
 cluster_size: 65536
 Format specific information:
     compat: 1.1
     compression type: zlib
     lazy refcounts: false
     refcount bits: 16
-    encrypt:
-        ivgen alg: plain64
-        hash alg: sha1
-        cipher alg: twofish-128
-        format: luks
-        cipher mode: ctr
-        slots:
-            [0]:
-                active: true
-                iters: XXX
-                key offset: 4096
-                stripes: 4000
-            [1]:
-                active: false
-                key offset: 69632
-            [2]:
-                active: false
-                key offset: 135168
-            [3]:
-                active: false
-                key offset: 200704
-            [4]:
-                active: false
-                key offset: 266240
-            [5]:
-                active: false
-                key offset: 331776
-            [6]:
-                active: false
-                key offset: 397312
-            [7]:
-                active: false
-                key offset: 462848
-        payload offset: 528384
-        master key iters: XXX
     corrupt: false
     extended l2: false

Looks like it is missing a check for the availability of the corresponding crypto stuff? Does anybody got a clue how to fix this?


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