On Mon, Jun 27, 2022 at 01:47:28PM +0200, Niklas Cassel via wrote:
> CRMS.CRWMS bit shall be set to 1 on controllers compliant with versions
> later than NVMe 1.4.
> The first version later than NVMe 1.4 is NVMe 2.0
> Let's claim compliance with NVMe 2.0 such that a follow up patch can
> set the CRMS.CRWMS bit.
> This is needed since CC.CRIME is only writable when both CRMS.CRIMS
> and CRMS.CRWMS is set.

You can also always support newer features without claiming
compliance for the new version.  I'd suggest to go through the
mandatory changes list first before upgrading the compliance.
(And one day it would be neat if someone tried to run the official
but commercial compliance tests on qemu a well..)

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