On Tue, Jul 5, 2022 at 8:16 AM Daniel P. Berrangé <berra...@redhat.com> wrote:
>      for i in `git ls-tree --name-only -r HEAD:`
>      do
>         clang-tidy $i 1>/dev/null 2>&1
>      done

All of those invocations are probably failing quickly due to missing
includes and other problems, since the location of the compilation
database and some other arguments haven't been specified.

Accounting for those problems (and enabling just one random C++ check):

    $ time clang-tidy -p build \
        --extra-arg-before=-Wno-unknown-warning-option \
        --extra-arg='-isystem [...]' \
        --checks='-*,clang-analyzer-cplusplus.Move' \
        $( find block -name '*.c' )

    real    3m0.260s
    user    2m58.041s
    sys     0m1.467s

Single-threaded static-analyzer.py without any checks:

    $ time ./static-analyzer.py build block -j 1
    Analyzed 79 translation units in 16.0 seconds.

    real    0m16.665s
    user    0m15.967s
    sys     0m0.604s

And with just the 'return-value-never-used' check enabled for a
somewhat fairer comparison:

    $ time ./static-analyzer.py build block -j 1 \
        -c return-value-never-used
    Analyzed 79 translation units in 61.5 seconds.

    real    1m2.080s
    user    1m1.372s
    sys     0m0.513s

Which is good news!


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