"Celso Pinto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I noticed on the website that Solaris is a supported guest OS so I took a
> shot at trying to install them without much luck.
> The installed keeps panic-ing stating it cannot mount root (screenshot:
> http://yimports.com/~cpinto/downloads/qemu/Screenshot-1.png).

the failure of not mounting the root file system maybe 
a symptom of a failed iso copy.  However, it's entirely
possible that qemu is choking on the dma commands that
Solaris is sending down to the virtual driver, and
causing the problem.  There are some patches that Juergen
Keil posted in the archive which can probably help that
particular issue.  

> I used the command:
> % qemu -hda <img created for hda> -cdrom <iso for solaris install> -d
> int,pcall -boot d <img created for hda>

I looked at my start line and it looks like you have
both -hda solaris10, and solaris10 at the end of your
command line.  How about removing the trailing solaris10
and see how that goes.   I think you probably want to
add -localtime to the start command as well. Yes, you'll
probably see some RTC errors when Solaris starts, 
but I've gotten Solaris 10 to load with the CVS code
plus Solaris patches.

> but only an empty log file was created on /tmp. Is there any alternative
> to provide more information about this issue?

stop qemu, add the log entries from the monitor, and


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