On Tue, 14 Jun 2005 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

It's free software (as in free speech, not gratis), if it doesn't work for
you fix it or have it fixed for you by whatever means you find suitable.
If you do not want to have it fixed find an alternative which suits you

Not all of us are developers.

And is why I said .. "or have it fixed for you by whatever means you find suitable.". With a little imagination you will realize there is many options

a) Politely tell the current developers about the bug and hope they eventually fix it.

  b) Try to fix it yourself.

c) Convince someone more knowledgeable in programming than you to fix the problem for you.

  d) Hire a qemu developer to have the problem fixed for you.

  d) Hire a independent developer to have the problem fixed for you.

e) Wine about the problem to make sure it won't get fixed for you, or if you are lucky pisses someone off to the point that they acually fixes the problem just to get you silent.

and many more..

The best that many can do is test qemu and report problems when they are

Then you have to accept that the developers do the best they can in their interest for the benefit of all.

But that's no excuse for bug reports to just vanish into the void.  Without
an awknowledgement or somebody writting it down as a bug in qemu that needs
to get fixed eventually.

There rarely is a void these days. If you send a bug report to a public mailinglist then it

  a) Gets archived

b) Other people later having the same problem quite likely finds it in the archives and refers to it when reporting the same issue again if it still isn't fixed.

So even if there is no official bugtracking tool (which depending on the developer situation can be good or bad) the report isn't really lost.

If you send bug reports in private directly to one developer then there may be a void if that developer decides the bug is not interesting for him to work on at that time.


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