I am trying to simulate three NIC's, with redirected ports from the host to my 
simulated system. I want port 22 to go to NIC 1, and port 443 to go to NIC 3. 
Is this possible? So far, I think only eth0 seems to be working on my guest OS, 
so maybe my -redir tcp:22::22 -redir tcp:443::443 are screwing up the multiple 
NIC's?? I have to redirect ports in order for the guest OS to have servers 
right (SSH, SSL web)? I am using QEMU 0.7.0.

I just want to make sure my invocation of QEMU (under Windows XP) isn't 
screwing anything up:

qemu.exe -L "\Program Files\Qemu\bios" -m 256 -hda "C:\Program 
Files\Qemu\RooHoneynet.img" -enable-audio -localtime -nics 3 -redir tcp:22::22 
-redir tcp:443::443

Wolfgang Richter

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