Hi Bill,

As for the forum, I just updated my DNS records, so in the mean while
you can access the forum at: http://qemu.dad-answers.com/

As for PPC emulation - you can't run OS X yet. 


On 6/30/05, Doctor Bill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am a new user of qemu.  I notice the user forum does not exist
> anymore, so I hope this is the appropriate place for comments.
> After spending a day attempting to configure Bochs, I was pleased to
> find qemu works almost directly out of the box.  My goal was to run
> Windows 98se under Windows XP so I could test software without running
> my old noisy machines.
> The first problem I noticed is that with the 0.70 version, keys are
> not mapped correctly.  For example, if I try to type in a URL as soon
> as I press the letter e explorer opens.  As soon as I type the letter
> m, the window minimizes....   I installed a the "CVS" snapshot and
> that problem appears to be fixed.
> I then got curious and wondered how fast is the virtual machine
> running.  At times it seems like a 200MHz machine, and at other times
> it seems much faster.  So I installed Norton Performance Test from my
> Norton System Works 2003 CD.  However, whenever I launch the
> application I get the blue screen.  Afterwards, other programs
> including explorer periodically cause blue screens.  When I reboot,
> the qemu machine reports it failed to regrab the mouse and freezes
> until I close the window.
> Obviously more work is needed, but it is no worse quality wise than
> when I first beta tested VMWARE.  I am particularly impressed with all
> the hardware platform that can be simulated.  I am considering trying
> OSX simulation next.  If the performance is comparable, then the
> simulated machine will be only slightly slower than my G3.
> Bill
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