On Thu, Aug 11, 2005 at 06:00:12PM +0100, Paul Brook wrote:
> > I guess this means that VDE would have to provide a kernel-layer
> > component which grabs the packets from eth0 and provides the faked eth0
> > for the Host OS...
> You can do all this with the standard linux tools. Something like the 
> following(untested) script. ifrename is part of the Linus Wireless Tools. If 
> your distro doesn't have it you can download it here:
> http://www.hpl.hp.com/personal/Jean_Tourrilhes/Linux/Tools.html

and nameif is a lot older, part of net-tools and
basically installed on every machine which has
ifconfig ... hmm, scratch the last part, it is
installed on every machine :)


> Paul
> #! /bin/sh
> # Take eth0 down so it can be renamed
> ifdown eth0
> # Rename eth0, and create a new bridge interface called eth0
> # This avoids having to change host network configuration.
> ifrename -i eth0 -n realeth0
> brctl addbr eth0
> brctl addif eth0 realeth0
> # bring realeth0 up without an IP so the bridge can use it
> ifconfig realeth0 up
> # bring the new eth0 up
> ifup eth0
> # Start vde, and add it to the bridge.
> vde_switch -t tap0
> ifconfig tap0 up
> brctl addif eth0 tap0
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