Hi together,

I try to install a Windows NT Server starting with three floppy disks (missing 
a bootable CD). After booting from the first one (with '-fda /dev/fd0' as a 
qemu option ) I am expected to insert the second one into 'A:'. But pressing 
enter does not result in an access to the floppy disk drive.

Anyone with a similar problem who has solved this, i.e. changing floppy disks?

Heiko Nardmann (Dipl.-Ing. Technische Informatik)
secunet Security Networks AG - Sicherheit in Netzwerken (www.secunet.de),
Weidenauer Str. 223-225, D-57076 Siegen
Tel. : +49 271 48950-13, Fax  : +49 271 48950-50

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