Filip Navara wrote:

Francois Rioux wrote:

I'm exploring QEMU Windows guests under Windows (XP Pro) host. I've successfully installed W2000 Adv Server, BartPE as guests. At some point, I've tried to launch and work with QEMU in a Remote Desktop (terminal server, RDP) session. The result is the following:
 - No crash.  Both host and guest keep running.
But for the rest, it is not really usable because of the following problems. - Text mode display in the guest is displayed in the upper corner of the host in the terminal client window. This regardless of where the QEMU window is positionned on the screen. The same sometimes happens with the graphical mode, but not always. - The mouse does not behave properly in the QEMU window when QEMU has grabbed the mouse. The text mode display (while booting) problem could not be an issue. The mouse problem renders the Window based unusable. The problem goes beyond just positionning in the window: when I move the mouse, the arrow inside the guest sometimes moves but not in a coordinated way. It might cross the screen faster than the external mouse arrow but it does not always move up when the mouse moves up. It would normally stick in the upper left corner of the QEMU window. I know QEMU for Windows is in alpha but does anyone have a clue on why this happens and if it it can be fixed.

Try entering this on command line before running QEMU:
set SDL_VIDEODRIVER=*windib*

Gotta love Thunderbird ...
set SDL_VIDEODRIVER=windib (without the asterisks)

- Filip

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