On 8/24/05, Francois Rioux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What I manage to do with a certain success is to map network shares of the
> host in the guest (net use z:\MyShare in the guest).  I can browse
> and read files from the mapped drive.  However I can't write to it from the
> guest. I received an Access Denied message instead even if the share is set
> so Everyone has Full Control.
> I don't understand why this doesn't work. Is it Windows preventing the write
> is the exchange this a limitation in QEMU or in SLiRP?  As I understand it
> SLiRP translates some tcp headers and acts as a firewall preventing incoming
> calls but autorizes outgoing calls from the guest out.  That's why web
> browsing works in user network mode.  Should't file transfer work too?  Is
> the network file sharing protocol more complex than that for writes? Or is
> that rather a Windows security issue? 
> Any explanation or workaround would be appreciated. 

I posted something about this in the forum.  In my case, I was trying
to print to the Windows host.  Unfortunately, it looks like the post
is no longer there.  The solution was simply to add the real IP
address and machine name into the lmhost file.  Once you do that, you
should be able to access samba read-write.  Be aware, Windows has a
lmhost.sam file by defauft, and hides the .sam extension.  Editing
that file will have no effect unless it is renamed to just lmhost with
no extension.

For example, my C:\Windows\lmhost file contains the following: docbill002

When I want to connect via SAMBA I use the hostname not the IP address.

Once you do that, write access is determined completely by Windows security.  

By default, only the "SharedFolders" and shared printers are writable
by guests...

Generally, when I want to add guest write access to a folder, I use a
cygwin command.  For example, I have drive Q: shared as Data.  If I
want guest to have write access, in addition to setting the shared
folder properties I would do:

chmod -R ugo+w /cygdrive/q

I can than modify \\docbill002\Data as guest as much as I want.

Maybe someone on the list can specify the non-cygwin equivalent of this command.


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