On Mon, Aug 29, 2005 at 11:05:05AM -0700, Francois Rioux wrote:
> The KQEMU doc mentions setting QEMU_TMPDIR to a ramdisk for increased 
> performances under KQEMU which saves the memory image of the guest OS.
> I'm running XP Pro as the Host with qemu version 0.7.1-3 which includes KQEMU 
> (I can see it is enabled with 'info kqemu'.)
> I've added 'set QEMU_TMPDIR=c:\tmp' to my qemu launch script.  However I 
> can't see that file.  The folder is empty no matter how I look at it.  I know 
> the doc says the file is hidden but shouldn't I see it if I 'dir c:/tmp /AH'? 
> Also Properties of that folder show no files, no size.
> Where is that hidden file? And how can I move it to a ram drive in Windows?

IIUC this is a reference to shmfs. So this doesn't apply to KQEMU on Windows
hosts. I'm not an expert on the Windows versions tho, so I'm not 100% sure of

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