En réponse à "Jim C. Brown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> :
> ------------------ Début du message d'origine --------------------
> On Fri, Sep 30, 2005 at 01:50:47AM +0400, Brad Campbell wrote:
> > >No. In fact, the server is set up to always return the same
> > >IP in response to a request.
> > err.. it works for me...
> Yes, it seems that Fabrice has slipped in a few changes since
> I last looked at the slirp code. :)

I use the last windows version of qemu. it's 0.7.2

> The internal DHCP server can now support 16
> dhcp clients.
> That's for multiple clients within a single qemu guest though
> (think multiple
> NICs here). I don't see any way for qemu guests to be able to
> ping each other
> (for example) if they are both using user-net.
it would be good to get that working :)

> > Even if it worked like a full fledged DHCP server, there's no 
> > >way to connect multiple guests together. The best you
> > > can do is slirpvde.
> > >
> > This gives me 9 qemu sessions that all get different
> > 10.x.x.x ip addresses 
> > via dhcp
> > qemu -fda /tracks/floppy.img -hda /tmp/qemu-irc-$i -boot a
> > -user-net 
> > -macaddr C0:0F:FE:01:01:9$i -m32 &

Still doesn't work for me :/ I think that the problems comes
from the tomsrtbt.

if tomsrtbt is the only guest : no IP given
if tomsrtbt is launch with -macaddr xx : no IP given
if tomsrtbt is launch after another guest : no IP given

if I launch a real tomsrtbt, on a real host with a real DHCP
server on the network, tomsrtbt got an IP


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