Christian MICHON a écrit :
to do so, does that mean we would need to launch a 1st qemu
instance which would contain the dhcp server, and next qemu
instances would connect to it ?

if so, 'qemu -server' and 'qemu -client -connect_to server' could
be useful...

As I understand and with what I know, you can do that now using a virtual network (VDE for example). What matter is that fact that two qemu instances are connected on the same network. DHCP protocol (like any others netowrk protocol) is over that network and is not visible to qemu.

To do what you wants, you have to use to different operating system image, one that contains a DHCP server, and the second that contain a DHCP client.

1) create a virtual switch: "vde_switch -s /tmp/my_switch.ctl"

2) start a virtual server: "vdeq -s /tmp/my_switch.ctl qemu-softmmu -hda dhcp-server.bin [...]"

3) start a virtual client: "vdeq -s /tmp/my_switch.ctl qemu-softmmu -hda dhcp-client.bin [...]"

Jean-Christian de Rivaz

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