> This probably isn't exactly the right question for a
> development mailing
> list, but the user-forumns did not seem to exist, so I hope
> you will
> forgive me or tell me where to ask a question like this.
> I have an image of a Window's 95 hard disk, dd'd directly off
> the disk itself.  I can mount the image loopback:
>  /tmp/win95 on /mnt type vfat (rw,loop=/dev/loop5)
did you dd the complete disk, or juste the partition?

> I do not seem to be able to boot the image with qemu, trying
> with various versions, but I have no idea how to proceed
> with finding out what is wrong.  How can I debug what is
> happening?  Would there be a boot loader error?  
Use tomsrtbt (www.toms.net/rb, and find the tomsrtbt.raw
floppy image).

Boot with
qemu -fda tomsrtbt.raw -hda win95.img -boot a
then try to do a 
fdisk -l /dev/hda
if you see your partition, mount it. If everything is in place (the
boot flag, and so on) this is a win95 boot issue. (go to
www.bootdisk.com to join a boot floppy for win95)
If fdisk complains, the win95.img is not a harddisk image.

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