On Wed, Oct 26, 2005 at 02:38:15PM +0100, Ricardo Almeida wrote:
> Hi,
> Since Qemu allows the use of a real cdrom, why doesn't it support the use of
> a real hard drive partition (-hdb /dev/hda1 for instance)?

It does. You have to use -hdb /dev/hda though, since a full MBR and partition
table is required.

I'm actually working on faking the header so qemu -hda /dev/hda1 will work.
The issue here is getting the right cylinder/head/track numbers and then
making up a suitable partition table entry with the right start and end
numbers. There is also the minor issue of what to put in the MBR.

Changes to the partition table will not be remembered in this mode, so
turning the one parition into several in the guest would be a VERY BAD idea.
In fact, repartitoning at all would be a VERY BAD idea.

> Is it hard to
> make it work? I think this would be a great feature as it allows an easy way
> to share files without having to configure samba.

vvfat is a much easier way. Alas it is only readonly.

Using hard disks, or even just partitions, can be a bad idea. Especially if
the host also has them mounted.

> Keep up the good work :)
> Regards,
> Ricardo Almeida

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