On Sat, Oct 29, 2005 at 05:39:48PM +0200, Leonard paniq Ritter wrote:
> hm i see. well, when will gcc 4 be working with qemu? i'm asking because
> my distribution switched to gcc 4 a while ago.

A patch is already available, as noted below.

My understanding of the register allocation problem is that it is technically
a bug of gcc, not qemu. So can't say when it will be fixed.

A long term solution, called qops, that replaces the part of qemu that is gcc3
dependant, called dyngen, is in the works. This does not have the register 
issue that the gcc 4 patch has, but is not complete yet. (Feel free to help 

In any case, most distros allow one to use gcc33 or something to compile
programs. I think a 'make CC=gcc33' would do the trick, if you have that
compiler installed.

> On Tue, 2005-10-25 at 20:50 -0400, Jim C. Brown wrote:
> > Yes, but I caution you before using it. You shouldn't use the patch unless 
> > you
> > know what you are doing, and why you have to do it.
> > 
> > Also keep in mind that even with the patch, qemu doesn't always compile.
> > x86 guests on x86 hosts don't work because of another bug that causes
> > gcc to run out of registers, so it still won't compile. x86 guests on
> > x86_64 hosts (e.g. amd64 cpus running in 64bit mode) do work, though, and
> > I'd imagine that x86 guests on ppc hosts work as well.
> > 
> -- 
> -- leonard "paniq" ritter
> -- http://www.mjoo.org
> -- http://www.paniq.org
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