Hi Fabrice & friends,

I've finally been busy updating the morphix wiki (converting and moving
it to a real host), and I happened to stumble upon the old wiki page you
used last year. You still have the old (unavailable) host in your Links
section, so if you want to fix the link, the new URL is:

Feel free to move the content to your new wiki (or remove it
altogether), although the data is seriously out of date there are quite
a lot of screenshots that might be worth saving.

cheers, and thanks for qemu!


PS. Not subscribed, please CC on reply

| Alex de Landgraaf            | The cure for boredom is curiosity |
| Student AI & CS, VU, A'dam   |  There is no cure for curiosity   |
| Phone: 06-16844084           |                                   |
| GPG: http://www.alextreme.org/key_alex.asc    /'-'\              |
| www.alextreme.org & www.morphix.org          ( o o )             |

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