I have stumbled on a possible QEMU issue

Trying to install Visual Studio 2005 (std edition) in a Windows 2003
server (std edition) inside QEMU (version 0.7.2. with KQEMU running in
Gentoo (gcc 3.4.4, kernel 2.6.14)) results in a locked guest OS that
fails with videoprt.sys errors (screen dump
http://randompage.org/qemu-error.png - not much to go at but this is
all Windows gives me before shutting down).

Changing the resolution/color depth have no influence on the problem
the only way to complete the installation is to boot qemu with the
-std-vga option. I have also noticed the same types of hard lockups
while running Windows Update from within Internet Explore in Windows
2003 Server. All these problems are specific to 2003, both XP and 2000
(workstation and server) runs these operations perfectly.

I have neither of the above problems in Windows 2003 servers running
nativ or inside VMWare (GSX server).

Dows anyone else have these problems ?

Lars Roland

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