Am Samstag, 11. März 2006 13:31 schrieb Jens Axboe:
> On Fri, Mar 10 2006, Mario Goppold wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I try to install SuSE92-64 on an 400G HD but it fails:
> >
> > hda: max request size: 128KiB
> > hda: cannot use LBA48 - full capacity 838860800 sectors (429496 MB)
> > hda: 268435456 sectors (137438 MB) w/256KiB Cache, CHS=65535/16/63,
> > (U)DMA hda:<4>hda: lost interrupt
> > hda: lost interrupt
> > ...
> >
> >
> > If I switch to 32bit (in grub) it works. Here is my Env:
> >
> > Qemu: snapshot20060304 (gcc version 3.3.6)
> > KQemu: kqemu-1.3.0pre3 (gcc version 4.0.2, SuSE10.0, 2.6.13-15.8-smp)
> >
> > qemu-img create test.img 400G
> > qemu-system-x86_64 -m 512 -k de -localtime -smp 2 \
> >  -net nic,vlan=0,macaddr=00:01:02:03:04:05 -net tap,vlan=0 \
> >  -hda test.img -cdrom /dev/dvd -boot d
> >
> > If I reduce the image-size it won't better.
> >
> > Yust now I try it without "-smp 2" and see what I want "unkown partition
> > table ..."
> >
> > So my question is : Is lba48 not smp save or is smp support broken (or
> > incomplete)?
> lba48 support is not committed yet, read the linux messasge - it says it 
> cannot use lba48, because the drive (qemu) doesn't support it. Find my
> latest posting on this list, it should get you going.

Oh, i oversight that the patches not commited yet. Now i have the patches to 
the snapshot_2006-03-12 adapted (Patch 2/3 and 3/3 of your Mail from 
4.1.2006) and applied but with no succsess:

hda: max request size: 128KiB
hda: 838860800 sectors (429496 MB) w/256KiB Cache, CHS=52216/255/63, (U)DMA
hda: lost interrupt
hda: lost interrupt
hda: lost interrupt
hda: lost interrupt
 hda:<4>hda: dma_timer_expiry: dma status == 0x24
hda: DMA interrupt recovery
hda: lost interrupt

without "-smp 2":

hda: max request size: 128KiB
hda: 838860800 sectors (429496 MB) w/256KiB Cache, CHS=52216/255/63, (U)DMA
 hda: unknown partition table
hdc: ATAPI 4x CD-ROM drive, 512kB Cache

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