Heya guys,

I am trying to create my own uclibc/busybox floppy bootdisk, and am running 
into an issue with the expansion of the RAMDISK... the
CPU shoots up to 100% and even leaving it overnight, it never recovers from 
that situation.

I have tried it under qemu 0.7.2 and 0.8.0 in linux and windows, and all fail 
to boot the image, where as vmware (and/or native)
boot the disk fine, and goes correctly to the "Please press Enter to activate 
this console".

I am using the command line:

qemu -fda floppy.img -boot a

And it loads up the kernel, no problem, reaching the ramdisk stage, and then it 
dies at the following:

RAMDISK: Compressed image found at block 680

If anyone wants a crack at this, the image can be found at 

How would I go about debugging this issue?

Cheers in advance,


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