The tablet works with the evtouch driver.

To get this to work in a guest:

make sure you have support for usb hid and evdev in the kernel (or as modules).

make sure you have the devices /dev/input/event0 /dev/input/event1 ...
        they might be called /dev/input/evdev0 etc

download the evtouch driver, and install the evtouch_drv.o to

        You can download the driver from

Change the default mouse in XF86Config/xorgconfig:

    Section "InputDevice"
        Identifier "Mouse1"
        Driver "evtouch"
        Option "Protocol" "usb"
        Option "Device" "/dev/input/event0"
        Option "DeviceName" "touchscreen"
        Option "SendCoreEvents"
        Option "CorePointer"
        Option "MinX" "0"
        Option "MinY" "0"
        Option "MaxX" "32767"
        Option "MaxY" "32767"
        Option "ReportingMode" "Raw"

    Sample working config is at

Now restart the X server, and it should work.

Scrolling and the middle button don't seem to be supported by the driver.

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