Heya guys, I have put together a simple script that will take a directory, and turn it into a bootable raw disk image. (busybox on uClibc)
Currently it is for PITA (http://ali.as/pita/), though since it is based on a directory, a purpose built HDD image is very easy. The script has to be run as a root privileged user, since it chroots, and using losetup. It can be found at http://tusker.sg/hdd.image.creator.tar.bz2 Hopefully it is useful to people creating disk images for qemu... Please feedback any criticism or patches :) Cheers, Damien _______________________________________________ Qemu-devel mailing list Qemu-devel@nongnu.org http://lists.nongnu.org/mailman/listinfo/qemu-devel