On Mon, May 08, 2006 at 07:05:19PM +0200, Oliver Gerlich wrote:
> > Currently I'm working on a version that doesn't require a kernel module to
> > do this - it will have the limitation of only supporting tcp/ip packets when
> > talking between host/guest.
> Are you sure that limitation is not too "heavy"? How would eg. UDP, ICMP
> or Multicast DNS work with the non-kernel-solution? And wouldn't an
> ethernet-level emulation be cleaner and also easier to explain to other
> users?

Bleh, sorry, I meant IP. It will theoretically support UDP, ICMP, etc
(as long as it's encapsulated within an IP packet  it should work). I'm
primarily testing with TCP/IP.

Ethernet-level emulation is significantly cleaner but it will not work without
either kernel patches or a kernel module. I'm looking for a 100% user space

> >>Another interesting thing concerning networking: I use a little script
> >>to set up a bridge between eth0 and tap0; but I have give the new bridge
> >>interface (eg. br0) an IP address and such stuff, because eth0 doesn't
> >>work. This is with Linux 2.6, but I read that with Linux 2.4 it was not
> >>necessary to configure br0, as eth0 would still be accessible. Does
> >>anyone know why this changed? I think it would be much easier if an
> >>interface used in a bridge was still usable.
> > 
> > 
> > eth0 is still usable. It is just slightly cleaner to use br0 directly.
> This is what I tried:
> brctl addbr br0
> brctl addif br0 eth0
> After this, a ping to the IP of eth0 ( still worked. But a
> ping to the gateway ( didn't. Running `ifconfig br0 up`
> didn't help either. Do you have a hint how to make this work?

What do your routing tables look like right before and right after you
run those two commands?

> Thanks,
> Oliver
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