> Anyway, many people think of OpenGL as just 3D, but it is extremely
> competent for 2D (given a good driver).

That's where your argument falls down.
I wouldn't be surprised if even a crappy OpenGL implementation could beat 
plain GDI. However I'd guess most OpenGL drivers are optimised for common 3D 
operations. OpenGL provides a very wide range of functionality, however if 
you go outside the commonly used (and hence optimized) feature set 
performance is likely to be fairly poor when compared if optimized routines.

> standard Windows GDI and 145 ms for the OpenGL 2D-canvas (and its just a
> standard business computer with no fancy graphic card at all).

If GDI was writing directly to video memory and OpenGL was writing to a buffer 
in system memory that would explain the large difference.

I'm not saying OpenGL is necessarily a bad thing, but it's certainly not (yet) 
what I'd consider good solution. Especially considering that 90% of modern 
graphics cards don't have any open source OpenGL capable drivers.


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