On Tue, 16 May 2006, Ben Taylor wrote:

(ITU), such as the DiskUpdate on tools.de/solaris/itu/DU.zip which has a modifed RTL8029 driver that works with Qemu on SolarisX86. Obviosly, if you boot a Solaris 10/x86 install with -B acpi-user-options=0x0, you will not see the floppy. (I see that a patch is in the works for OpenSolaris, so eventually this will be fixed for good on Solaris).

Excellent, thanks Ben and Juergen.

FWIW, the RTL8139 NIC in current Qemu /ought/ to work with the 'rtls' driver included with Solaris. I havn't managed to test this yet as Qemu CVS /seems/ still to have timeout issues with Solaris NV 39 (booting from the install CD at least).

Also, there was an AMD PCNet patch for Qemu (by Anthony Curtis). Which (possibly) Xen are using, but it is not included with Qemu. Solaris has a driver for this, based on the newer 'GLDv2' NIC driver framework.

I tried quickly (ie i spent 5 minutes on it) porting Anthony's patch to the updated VLAN-client framework in Qemu, it gets recognised by the Solaris miniroot, but I must have missed something / made a mistake as Qemu crashes.

Paul Jakma      [EMAIL PROTECTED]       [EMAIL PROTECTED]       Key ID: 64A2FF6A
Power is poison.

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