Hi all,
I'm working a project which develops Qemu running on MinGW/MSys but I don't know which IDE I should use to develop, to test, to debug Qemu source code:
1. I should use VC++ on Windows: in this case, I must configure VC++ to use mingw-gcc (in place of  the default compiler of VC++. In my opinion, this default compiler will generate binary code for Win32, not for MSys) to compile Qemu source code and also to use the tools of MinGW/MSys.
2. OR: I should develop Qemu on Linux and use KDevelop IDE. And I can do all with KDevelop: develop, test, debug Qemu. And if I want Qemu running on MinGW/MSys, I must transfer the souce code, which were already developped with KDevelop,  to Windows installed MinGW/MSys and recompile this source code on MinGW/MSys
3. OR: other solutions which you use recently to develop, to test and debug Qemu souce code.
Thank you so much for your supports.

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