A person who is in your position (frustrated for lack of documentation)
is actually the most qualified person to write documentation.  Feel free
to ask any questions you have on this list.


On Wed, 2006-07-05 at 21:57 +0100, Daniel Carrera wrote:
> Hello,
> I write here because there doesn't seem to be a Bugzilla for qemu and
> whoever is responsible for the qemu documentation must be here.
> The documentation is quite worthless.
> I'm sure you don't like hearing that, but consider that it doesn't
> actually show the user how get qemu to do what qemu is supposed to di
> (ie. run a host OS). Ok, it tells me how to create a blank disk image,
> that's great, but how do I create a disk image with something bootable
> on it? Sorry, no information on that. I expect that the most typical use
> case for qemu is running Windows under Linux, so you'd expect to see
> some documentation for that, right? Nope, none. Sure, there are
> trouble-shooting tips, but what use are trouble-shooting tips if you
> can't even get started?
> I've looked at qemu several times over the past several years. Every
> time I get excited at the prospect of migrating people to GNU/Linux by
> letting them run the one windows app they need... and every time I hit a
> brick wall, as qemu fails to actually do anything useful.
> Try to take this approach: You are writing to a technically competent
> user (perhaps a sysadmin) who wants to run Windows under Linux with qemu
> (perhaps to migrate some of the company computers). He has a Windows
> install CD, he has qemu installed, and is ready to go. Please write
> something that this person can use to get Windows running under qemu.
> Cheers,
> Daniel.
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