Hello all,

As promised, here is a tutorial I would recommend to get people started.
It's short and sweet:

Tutorial: Full system emulation under Linux
Alright, you have qemu installed and now you want to run a client OS
under qemu. Follow these steps:

1) You need a blank disk image. This is like adding a blank disk to the
virtual computer that qemu creates. Use this command to create a 2Gb
blank disk image:

qemu-img create -f qcow c.img 2G

The last argument is the size of the image (2G). For more information on
creating a blank image, see <a href="#SEC15">3.6 Disk Images</a>.

2) When you install an OS on a real computer you normall boot an
install CD. We'll do the same with the virtual computer. Put the CD
(e.g. Windows install CD) on the CD drive.

qemu -cdrom /dev/cdrom -hda c.img -m 256 -boot d

This boots from the CD ROM (-boot d) using 256MB of RAM (-m 256) using
c.img as /dev/hda (-hda c.img).

Now you can install the client OS just as you would in a real computer.

  "The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the
  unreasonable man tries to adapt the world to himself.
  Therefore all progress depends on unreasonable men."
        -- George Bernard Shaw

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