Hi Luca,

Not wishing to start an argument, just to learn:

On Wed, 5 Jul 2006, Luca Barbato wrote:

The library is incompatible with itself depending on the configure time options (see string constructors vs unicode string constructors)

It's perfectly possible to write code that compiles and works fine on Unicode and non-Unicode builds (with wxT() macros).

Its ABI/API changes too often (ok, that is the result of they fixing lots of bugs that require radical changes, but they could haven't been on first place...)

Not sure about ABI changes, but as far as I can see, they work hard to avoid incompatible API changes in stable branches, e.g. wx 2.6.x.

Its architecture is a tad old.

But if you change it, then you break backwards compatibility. You can't have it both ways. Besides, what's wrong with the "old" architecture?

Try Qt or ewl/etk if you don't like the default tcl/tk look, all 4 are
quite nicer architecture-wise and less painful to be handled as

QT is only now free on Windows, and supports far fewer platforms than wx (no Mac support?). I personally don't like tcl as a language, and prefer to code in C++ for efficiency.

MFC and winapi are surely worst than wx, gtk on the other
hand is simple and relatively easy to learn.

GTK is also specific to Unix (not Mac) and Windows, and looks weird on Windows, not very native.

The main/only point of wx is that mimics quite well some sort of native
look&feel, and that is just nice if you have to handle windows users or
idiotic managers.

Or platforms other than Windows and Unix.

Cheers, Chris.
_ ___ __     _
 / __/ / ,__(_)_  | Chris Wilson <0000 at qwirx.com> - Cambs UK |
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