I am running Debian Linux 'unstable' on Debian Linux 'unstable' with QEMU. The 
the command line:

qemu -hda gnome.hda -m 256 -kernel-kqemu

QEMU is CVS and kqemu is 1.3.0pre9. The guest Linux kernel is Debian's latest 
official kernel image for 2.6.17. It hangs after detecting the virtual hard 

hda: 12582912 sectors (6442 MB) w/256KiB Cache, CHS=12483/255/63, (U)DMA

it hangs here and every thirty seconds or so it prints:

hda: lost interrupt

Without -kernel-kqemu (plain user mode virtualization) it is fine. I have a 
100 GB real disk and 768 MB RAM.

P.S. screendump is here: http://www.oakcourt.dyndns.org/~andrew/kernel.png

Andrew Barr | http://www.oakcourt.dyndns.org/~andrew/ | GPG: 0xAD9AE76A
"Those who would trade liberty for security deserve neither." -- B. Franklin

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