
I think it might be a bit offtopic here, but I'm already on the list, and I'm interested in some experienced users' opinion.
I can find ads on google, but not experience.

I'm looking for a good IDE (or just a good code editor) under linux.
My first try was kdevelop approx. 3 years ago (2.2.2 version). It was too complicated. 3.x.x is a bit unstable.
Vi is unconfortable for me,
I prefer using pico and gnu nano, but it's too stupid for some tasks.

My coding style:
There's usually a headers.h file with global headers and global constants (e.g. stdio.h, #define-s) For a module called 'foo' there's a foo.c (or foo.cpp) and a foo.h (lowercase)
#ifndef _FOO_H //capitals!
#define _FOO_H //capitals!

class foo //c++

.c or .cpp:
#include "headers.h"
#include "foo.h"

class foo //c++


A bash script can create this (and I have bash scripts for creating new modules, adding new functions, etc..), but it'd be good to have an IDE that can create (according to a template file) these, inserting module name lowercase or uppercase at different places..

I don't need intellisense (it's good to have one but not necessary), just these simple things. (Maybe hotkeys for calling make, but not vital.) Syntax highlighting is good, tab replacing is bad (drives patch/diff crazy).

I've just checked kdevelop, and I could found only a $MODULE$ keyword in file templates (its help system knows only c++ templates), which inserts module name (in lowecase) in a very simple way (it doesn't understand #include "$MODULE$.h").

Another problem is if I use one system, then it probably has an own project format. So importing a bigger (not native) project (like QEmu) would be a nightmare.

But with smaller applications (currently nano) I can only see the whole project through a small window: one file at a time. Opening more terminal tabs resolve this, but makes things more complicated. (opening at least 5 tabs, 2 .c/cpp with their .h file, one for making and running application)

Once I had to develop an app. under win32, I've used context. That's a simple editor that knows syn hl., supports crlf/lf end of line, has tabs to edit more files at once, and has some customizable hotkeys. Not perfect, but good.

Oh, and I prefer black text background to prevent my eyes flowing out from their place, so customized colors would be nice.

So, what do You use? Or what should I try? Any ideas?

Ok, to be more ontopic, it's a good solution to install and run context in a QEmu instance under win32, and mounting a samba share, but I think there must be some better ones.

"Software is like sex: it's better when it's free." - Linus Torvalds
"Software is like sex: it's better with a penguin." - unknown

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