Rick Vernam <rickv <at> hobi.com> writes:

> I've spent quite a lot of time trying to figure out why this keeps happening:
> $ export QEMU_AUDIO_DRV=alsa
> $ qemu-system-x86_64 -kernel-kqemu -hda /home/rick/docs/.qemu/wxp1.qemu -m 
> 192 -net nic -net tap,script=/etc/qemu-ifup -localtime -snapshot -usbdevice 
> tablet -soundhw es1370
> alsa: Could not initialize ADC
> alsa: Failed to set period size 1024


> I get no sound.
> If I knew what these things meant, I might be able to figure this out...
> Posting here is my last ditch effort - believe me, I have tried to avoid 
> posting support questions in a dev. list, but am hoping for a bit of insight 
> here...

The error messages just notify you that qemu can not open "recording" device
due to the problems with setting the period value, you can adjust it via env
variables (consult qemu -audio-help for that). But DAC (i.e. playback) seems
to be functioning so lack of sound (without any further error messages) is

P.S. Btw. does sound work in plain i386-softmmu qemu?
     You can mail me directly.

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